Saturday, October 19, 2013

Duane Michael Wagner Vero Beach Florida Chief Marketing Strategist

Duane Michael Wagner Chief Marketing Strategist Vero Beach 772-532-6397

Back in Action Chiropractic and Yoga Center Palm City 

13 Extraordinary Benefits of Yoga

Photo by Allen Elliotte. The benefits of Bikram Yoga are many and endless.  Bikram’s signature series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises will help you with a multitude of afflictions ranging from – thyroid problems to weight loss, stress to insomnia, diabetes to knee problems, kidney conditions to heart disease, depression to blood pressure, arthritis to back pain – allowing you to maintain exceptional health for years to come. The postures work every part of your body down to a cellular level flushing toxins out of your system.
Bikram Yoga is designed for EVERYONE – any age, size, shape, condition, or problem. To receive the benefits, a regular practice of 3 – 4 classes per week is necessary. Beginners are encouraged to start slow and take it easy for the first few classes. Benefits happen right away for some, including normalizing your weight. and it usually takes ten classes for your body to start to understand the poses.
As one student puts it, “A Bikram yoga class a day keeps the doctor away.”
1. Weight loss
Bikram Yoga is excellent for weight loss. Your digestive system and metabolism will improve, normalizing your appetite and diminishing unhealthy cravings. Your fat will turn into muscle as you develop muscle tone and strength. Warm muscles burn fat more easily as the heat flushes and detoxifies the body. Bikram yoga is known for burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories a session. The harder you work in class the more calories you will burn. Your cardiovascular system is worked and strengthened therefore, the more weight loss benefits you will receive. You may see and feel immediate results. You will naturally begin to start eating less and make better food choices.
2. Arthritis
Many students experience quick relief from arthritis after only a few classes of Bikram Yoga. A combination of the heat and the moving, twisting, extending and compressing of every joint can alleviate arthritis.  A regular practice is necessary for continued relief.
3. Blood Pressure
Unstable high blood pressure can respond very quickly to a regular Bikram Yoga practice. Consult your doctor and don’t push too hard for your first few classes. If you are tested about a week after starting Yoga, you may see a slight rise in pressure. Don’t be alarmed. By the second week, that pressure will be normal or close to normal and will stay there as long as you continue your yoga regimen. Many students who maintain a regular practice are able to stop taking blood pressure medication.
4. Back Pain
Bikram Yoga has helped countless numbers of people with back pain, stiff necks, headaches, scoliosis, herniated disks and many other back problems.  The Bikram Yoga series is designed to work the spine in every direction with many beneficial backbends, creating a healthy spine and thus a healthy nervous system. Make sure to tell your instructor what type of back pain you suffer from in case modifications are necessary.
5. Skin and Beauty
Watch your face and skin develop “the Bikram glow” as your eyes become brighter and your skin becomes more clear and soft. As you sweat, your pores are opened and cleaned allowing natural lanolin to release through the pores, softening and preserving your skin’s elasticity. “I feel so CLEAN inside and out, and my skin is so SOFT I don’t need moisturizer anymore!” is a student’s comment. Faces in general change expression from looking disturbed and frustrated to looking full of life and happiness. As your body detoxifies, you may eventually never need deodorant again!
6. DiabetesBikram yoga can be a perfect complement to the lifestyle changes necessary to help keep diabetic symptoms in check.  Recent research has found that performing these postures on a regular basis can decrease blood-sugar levels.  A dedicated Bikram Yoga student, who lost 50 pounds without dieting, healed his chronic back problems and no longer needed his diabetic medication after practicing Bikram Yoga for 6 months. He tells his story in the book “Diabetic Always, Insulin No More.”                         
7. Stress & Anxiety Management – Bikram’s guru Bishnu Gosh said “Mental stress and strain is the cause of all diseases, even infectious ones.” When performing the 26 postures and two breathing exercises, the fight-or-flight response is turned off and a feeling of balanced well-being is replaced. A regular practice can lower cortisol levels, calm the mind, increase mental clarity and release and reduce stress and tension.

8. Depression – On those days when you don’t feel like doing anything, going to Bikram Yoga class is key. You just have to show up and the yoga takes care of the rest.  After each session your mind will become more balanced and depression will be lifted. The more you practice, the better you will feel. Many students come off antidepressants and other medications after establishing a regular Bikram Yoga practice.
9. Breathing problems – Asthma, Allergies, Respiratory ProblemsBikram Yoga will be good for your breathing problems in several ways. The heat promotes relaxation of the muscles and nerves, and you can work with as much intensity as appropriate for your needs. Bikram Yoga will relax your mind and help let go of tensions, toxins and negativity. It strengthens your heart and lungs, improving your lung function. You will breathe easier and deeper than you ever have before.

Benefits of Hot Yoga Michael Wagner Vero Beach Florida

Michael Wagner Chief Marketing Strategist Vero Beach Florida 772-532-6397 

Palm City YOGA 

As a certified yoga instructor and self-proclaimed “hot yogi,” I can assure you that there are many benefits to practicing Bikram and hot yoga. But of course, those benefits don’t come without a few precautions as well. Read on for the 411 on how to practice safe hot yoga.

The benefits of a really hot room

Practicing yoga in a heated room increases your pulse rate and metabolism, allowing your blood vessels to become more flexible and making your bod burn some major calories! This in turn makes circulation easier and increases blood flow to the limbs.
"Hot yoga is amazing for weight loss, as you sweat like a fiend. Like other yogas, it will build muscle tone [but will also] improve the lymphatic system and flush out toxins. It's amazing for developing equanimity in the face of adversity and obstacles," says Ingber.
Hot yoga goes above and beyond when it comes to relieving stress and building inner confidence. This practice is the true definition of “mind over matter.” The endorphin rush you receive after completing 60- to 90-minute sweat session will leave you feeling like there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.
While I’m a huge fan of hot yoga, there are definitely some precautions you should take in order to stay safe. Read the tips below before turning up the heat in your practice!

Stay hydrated

Ingber recommends drinking 2 to 3 liters throughout the day. You will undoubtedly sweat more during these types of classes than in most other forms of exercise, so it’s very easy to become dehydrated. It is extremely important that you drink plenty of water before, during and after your practice.
"Everyone is encouraged to drink at least eight glasses of fluids per day in general," says yoga expert and director of SpaHalekulani, Kamala Nayeli. "When you exercise, this amount should increase by two to three cups. If you raise your core temperature or partake in a hot yoga class, I would [also] recommend including a small dose of salt prior to the class. Or have a natural 'sports drink' that will replenish the sodium you lose when sweating."

The rules for eating before hot yoga

It is important to avoid eating too much or too little before participating in a hot yoga class, which can be a tricky task to master. Nayeli suggests avoiding heavy foods, but encourages light snacks before yoga classes to properly fuel your body.
"Fruit, particularly those that have a high water content such as watermelon, or sodium content like bananas [are great to eat before class]," she says. "Dried fruit is good, too (figs, raisins, apricots, etc.). Seeds and nuts are also great. However, I would limit the dairy intake before class."
Ingber agrees and recommends snacks like half a banana, melon or almonds.

Listen to your body

It is important not to overexert during hot yoga classes. The warm temperatures and practice of poses can make your body feel looser and more flexible than normal, which can make it easier to pull a muscle. Be mindful of your body and try not to overstretch or push yourself too far when first starting out.
Gradually let yourself experiment with poses as your body adjusts and becomes more accustomed to the atmosphere and workout. If you feel any symptoms of heat exhaustion, such as dizziness, nausea, headache, confusion, poor vision or weakness, stop your practice and immediately leave the room.
"Personally, I do not recommend hot yoga for beginners," says Nayeli. "Rather, it's something to build yourself up to. Every body is different and not always suitable for such an intense workout in such intense heat. I have seen some harsh and concerning reactions in class with people not realizing what to expect, and then they feel they need to 'keep up' with the rest of the class even though their body is saying 'take a break.' "
Ingber says one of her main concerns for hot yogis is the strict guidelines a studio may have about staying in the room. "It's really important to listen to your body more than the teacher."

Check with your doctor

If you have any injuries or health concerns, such as diabetes, cardiovascular or respiratory disease, or a history of heat-related illness, make sure to get your doctor’s OK before practicing hot yoga.